Reports on a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project to remove CO2 from the process gas streams of the three hydrogen-manufacturing units which are a part of the Scotford Upgrader infrastructure. The Scotford Upgrader is owned by the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, a joint venture operated by Shell and owned by Shell, Chevron Canada Corporation, and Marathon Oil Sands LP. The Upgrader is part of Shell’s Scotford facility located northeast of Edmonton.
March 1, 2016
Quest Carbon Capture and Storage project : annual summary report - Alberta Department of Energy : 2015
Downloads: 964
Quest Carbon Capture and Storage project fourth annual status report
Downloads: 425
Quest CO2 capture ratio performance
Downloads: 193
Quest CO2 dehydration performance
Downloads: 158
Quest emissions to air, soil or water : performance 2016
Downloads: 110
Quest GHG and energy report
Downloads: 125
GHG & energy management plan
Downloads: 107
Quest heat integration report 2015
Downloads: 101
Quest operating reliability data start-up to 2015 year end
Downloads: 155
Quest power efficiency and parasitic loss summary
Downloads: 129
Quest process design changes 2015
Downloads: 242
Quest closeout report
Downloads: 352
Government funding
Downloads: 144
Stakeholder engagement plan 2016
Downloads: 105
Pipeline integrity management SCT-PEI-528
Downloads: 188
Quest CO2 pipeline operations report 2015
Downloads: 249
Quest pipeline first fill
Downloads: 303
Process flow diagram : CO2 compression (sheet 2)
Downloads: 355
Process flow diagram : CO2 compression (sheet 2)
Downloads: 290
Piping and instrument diagram : Unit 247 - compression - CO2 compressor 5th stage
Downloads: 203
Piping and instrument diagram : Unit 247 - compression - CO2 compressor 2nd stage
Downloads: 187
Piping and instrument diagram : Unit 247 - compression - CO2 compressor 6th stage
Downloads: 213
Piping and instrument diagram : Unit 247 - compression
Downloads: 301
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These reports, and the data and information contained in the reports, are provided to the Government of Alberta by Shell Canada Energy, Chevron Canada Ltd. and Marathon Oil Canada Corporation, and the Government of Alberta has obtained a license or other authorization for use of the reports. The Government of Alberta’s intent in posting the reports is to make them available to the public for personal and non-commercial (educational) use. They are not meant to be used for any other purpose. Please see the full disclaimer and terms and conditions of use appended to the beginning of each report in this record.