- title | Title
Législation touchant la sécurité dans les classes de sciences
- name | URL
- owner_org | Publisher
- alternatetitle1 | Alternative Title
Législation touchant la sécurité dans les classes de sciences : exigences légales
- alternatetitle2 | Alternative Title
- alternatetitle3 | Alternative Title
- seriestitle | Series Title
- seriestitle2 | Series Title
- seriestitle3 | Series Title
- notes | Description
Les enseignants et les autorités scolaires sont responsables d’assurer un environnement sécuritaire dans les locaux destinés à l’apprentissage des sciences. Ils doivent connaitre les exigences légales et s’y conformer. La planification de la sécurité dans les classes débute avec l’examen et la compréhension des lois applicables. Selon l’activité en classe, une ou plusieurs des lois fédérales, provinciales ou locales peuvent s’appliquer.
- pubtype | Type
- Fact Sheet
- Legislation and Regulations
- creator | Creator
- contributor | Contributor
- contributor2 | Contributor
- contributor3 | Contributor
- contributor4 | Contributor
- contributor5 | Contributor
- contributor6 | Contributor
- contact | Contact Name
Alberta Education
- email | Contact Email
- contactother | Contact Other
- placeofpub | Place of Publication
- identifier-ISBN-print | ISBN (print)
- identifier-ISBN-pdf | ISBN (pdf)
- identifier-ISBN-html | ISBN (html)
- identifier-ISBN-cdrom | ISBN (CD-ROM)
- identifier-ISBN-dvd | ISBN (DVD)
- identifier-ISSN-print | ISSN (print)
- identifier-ISSN-online | ISSN (online)
- identifier-AGDEX-number | AGDEX number
- identifier-ALIS-catno | ALIS catalogue number
- identifier-NEOS-catkey | NEOS catalogue key
- identifier-local | Local Identifier
- published_date, | Publish on this future date.
- review_date | Review Date
- createdate | Date Created
- issuedate | Date Issued
- date_modified | Date Modified
- updatefrequency | Frequency
- topic | Topic
Education - Early Childhood to Grade 12
- tag_string | Tags
- subject | Subject (LCSH)
- subject2 | Subject (LCSH)
Science--Study and teaching--Alberta--Safety measures.
- subject3 | Subject (LCSH)
Science teachers--Training of--Alberta.
- subject4 | Subject (LCSH)
Schools--Alberta--Safety measures.
- subject5 | Subject (LCSH)
Safety education--Alberta.
- subject6 | Subject (LCSH)
Science rooms and equipment--Alberta--Safety measures.
- time_coverage_from | Start Date
- time_coverage_to | End Date
- spatialcoverage | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage2 | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage3 | Spatial Coverage
- audience | Audience
- Extent | Extent
2 pages
- Extent2 | Extent
- Extent3 | Extent
- replacedby_title | Is Replaced By - Title
- replacedby_uri | URI
- replaces_title | Replaces - Title
- replaces_uri | URI
- hastranslation_title | Has Translation - Title
- hastranslation_uri | URI
- istranslation_title | Is Translation Of
- istranslation_uri | URI
- archivedate | Date Archived
- usageconsiderations | Usage Considerations
- language | Language
French (Canadian)
- license_id | Licence
Open Government Licence - Alberta
- sensitivity | Sensitivity