
Director's Order: John Allan McKale & Warranty Advocates Ltd. o-a Home Warranty Advocates


Director's Order imposed on John Allan McKale and Warranty Advocates Ltd. operating as Home Warranty Advocates to cease entering into home inspection contracts until the licensing requirements under section 104(1) of the Consumer Protection Act have been met, to cease entering into home inspection contracts without ensuring they include the requisite contract & insurance requirements as set out in the Home Inspection Business Regulation, to cease providing home inspection reports that do not comply with the Regulation, to cease providing consumers with an estimate of the cost or repair or improvement to a dwelling as a result of a home inspection, to cease making a representation that a consumer transaction involves or does not involve rights, remedies or obligations that is different from fact, to cease doing or saying anything that might reasonably deceive or mislead a consumer, to cease providing misleading statements of opinion if the consumer is likely to rely on that opinion to the consumer's disadvantage, and to cease making representations that goods or services will be supplied within a stated period if the supplier knows or ought to know that they will not.


May 18, 2022

Directors orders consumer protection home inspection home inspectors unfair practices

Title and publication information


7 pages



Publisher / Creator Information

Service Alberta

Service Alberta

Subject Information

Spatial Coverage


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added


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Date Issued


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

A director’s order can be issued for any breach of the Consumer Protection Act, the Cemeteries Act or their regulations and is used as a tool that requires a person to come into compliance with legislation. A director's order can be issued to a supplier if the supplier: has breached the Consumer Protection Act or Regulations; uses any form, agreement, letter or other document that's misleading or contains a term that misrepresents fair trade regulations; or publishes an advertisement that's misleading or contains a term that breaks fair trade regulations. The director's order can direct a person to stop engaging in anything that's described in the order, and to take any measures specified in the order to ensure that fair trade regulations are followed.


No licence


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