- title | Title
Quantification protocol for aerobic landfill bioreactor projects. Version 2.0
- name | URL
- owner_org | Publisher
- alternatetitle1 | Alternative Title
Directive : quantification protocol for aerobic landfill bioreactor projects
- alternatetitle2 | Alternative Title
AEP, Climate Change, 2016, No. 2
- alternatetitle3 | Alternative Title
- seriestitle | Series Title
Specified gas emitters regulation
- seriestitle2 | Series Title
- seriestitle3 | Series Title
- notes | Description
This protocol covers landfills or landfill cells which are at capacity, will not be accepting more waste materials and are covered. Rather than the content of these landfills or landfill cells decomposing anaerobically and producing methane, wells are drilled for the purposes of aerating the waste and recirculating leachate. Conditions are maintained to support aerobic decomposition of the waste. The resulting carbon dioxide emissions are considered as biogenic.
- pubtype | Type
- creator | Creator
Environment and Parks
- contributor | Contributor
- contributor2 | Contributor
- contributor3 | Contributor
- contributor4 | Contributor
- contributor5 | Contributor
- contributor6 | Contributor
- contact | Contact Name
Alberta Environment and Parks
- email | Contact Email
- contactother | Contact Other
- placeofpub | Place of Publication
- identifier-ISBN-print | ISBN (print)
- identifier-ISBN-pdf | ISBN (pdf)
- identifier-ISBN-html | ISBN (html)
- identifier-ISBN-cdrom | ISBN (CD-ROM)
- identifier-ISBN-dvd | ISBN (DVD)
- identifier-ISSN-print | ISSN (print)
- identifier-ISSN-online | ISSN (online)
- identifier-AGDEX-number | AGDEX number
- identifier-ALIS-catno | ALIS catalogue number
- identifier-NEOS-catkey | NEOS catalogue key
- identifier-local | Local Identifier
- published_date, | Publish on this future date.
- review_date | Review Date
- createdate | Date Created
- issuedate | Date Issued
- date_modified | Date Modified
- updatefrequency | Frequency
- topic | Topic
- tag_string | Tags
- subject | Subject (LCSH)
Climatic changes--Alberta--Monitoring.
- subject2 | Subject (LCSH)
Greenhouse gases--Monitoring--Alberta.
- subject3 | Subject (LCSH)
Sanitary landfills--Environmental aspects--Alberta.
- subject4 | Subject (LCSH)
Landfill gases--Alberta.
- subject5 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject6 | Subject (LCSH)
- time_coverage_from | Start Date
- time_coverage_to | End Date
- spatialcoverage | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage2 | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage3 | Spatial Coverage
- audience | Audience
General Public
- Extent | Extent
- Extent2 | Extent
- Extent3 | Extent
- replacedby_title | Is Replaced By - Title
- replacedby_uri | URI
- replaces_title | Replaces - Title
- replaces_uri | URI
- hastranslation_title | Has Translation - Title
- hastranslation_uri | URI
- istranslation_title | Is Translation Of
- istranslation_uri | URI
- archivedate | Date Archived
- usageconsiderations | Usage Considerations
- language | Language
English (Canadian)
- license_id | Licence
Open Government Licence - Alberta
- sensitivity | Sensitivity