- title | Title
CRISP-AOSA : comprehensive regional infrastructure sustainability plan for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area
- name | URL
- owner_org | Publisher
- alternatetitle1 | Alternative Title
Comprehensive regional infrastructure sustainability plan for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area
- alternatetitle2 | Alternative Title
- alternatetitle3 | Alternative Title
- seriestitle | Series Title
- seriestitle2 | Series Title
- seriestitle3 | Series Title
- notes | Description
The Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan (CRISP) is a guideline for long-term infrastructure development in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area (AOSA) and supports Responsible Actions, the Alberta government's strategic plan for development of its oil sands resource. The CRISP focuses on community development and identifies infrastructure needs related to transportation, water and wastewater servicing, education and health care.
- pubtype | Type
- creator | Creator
- contributor | Contributor
- contributor2 | Contributor
- contributor3 | Contributor
- contributor4 | Contributor
- contributor5 | Contributor
- contributor6 | Contributor
- contact | Contact Name
Treasury Board and Finance
- email | Contact Email
- contactother | Contact Other
Room 534, Oxbridge Place
9820 - 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2J6
780-427-1147 (fax)
- placeofpub | Place of Publication
- identifier-ISBN-print | ISBN (print)
- identifier-ISBN-pdf | ISBN (pdf)
- identifier-ISBN-html | ISBN (html)
- identifier-ISBN-cdrom | ISBN (CD-ROM)
- identifier-ISBN-dvd | ISBN (DVD)
- identifier-ISSN-print | ISSN (print)
- identifier-ISSN-online | ISSN (online)
- identifier-AGDEX-number | AGDEX number
- identifier-ALIS-catno | ALIS catalogue number
- identifier-NEOS-catkey | NEOS catalogue key
- identifier-local | Local Identifier
- published_date, | Publish on this future date.
- review_date | Review Date
- createdate | Date Created
- issuedate | Date Issued
- date_modified | Date Modified
- updatefrequency | Frequency
- topic | Topic
- Business and Industry
- Energy and Natural Resources
- Society and Communities
- tag_string | Tags
- subject | Subject (LCSH)
Infrastructure (Economics)--Alberta--Athabasca Tar Sands
- subject2 | Subject (LCSH)
Infrastructure (Economics)--Alberta--Athabasca Tar Sands--Planning
- subject3 | Subject (LCSH)
Economic development--Alberta--Athabasca Tar Sands
- subject4 | Subject (LCSH)
Oil sands--Economic aspects--Alberta--Athabasca Tar Sands
- subject5 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject6 | Subject (LCSH)
- time_coverage_from | Start Date
- time_coverage_to | End Date
- spatialcoverage | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage2 | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage3 | Spatial Coverage
- audience | Audience
General Public
- Extent | Extent
84 pages
- Extent2 | Extent
- Extent3 | Extent
- replacedby_title | Is Replaced By - Title
- replacedby_uri | URI
- replaces_title | Replaces - Title
- replaces_uri | URI
- hastranslation_title | Has Translation - Title
- hastranslation_uri | URI
- istranslation_title | Is Translation Of
- istranslation_uri | URI
- archivedate | Date Archived
- usageconsiderations | Usage Considerations
- language | Language
English (Canadian)
- license_id | Licence
Open Government Licence - Alberta
- sensitivity | Sensitivity