Open Data

Selected Farm Income Statistics, Canada and Provinces


This product provides information on Alberta Farm Income Statistics for Alberta, Canada and other provinces. Presented on a calendar year basis, including both current updates to include data to the current reference year and historical year perspective from the past five years. Specific featured topics include farm cash receipts; farm operating expenses and net farm cash income; farm debt outstanding; value of farm capital and value of acre of farm land and buildings during the period covered. Distribution of the current year's Canadian Farm Cash Receipts is presented showing the Top five Agriculture Producing Provinces as a Percent of Canada in the current year.


January 27, 2017

Agriculture Statistics Yearbook Crops Farm Income Statistics Livestock

Title and Dataset Information

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Agriculture and Forestry

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Usage Considerations

Information on Alberta Farm Income and Expenses is compiled by the Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Statistics and Data Development Branch.

Data are sourced from Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database Table Numbers 002-0001 and 002-0005; 002-0003, 002-0007, 002-0008 and 002-0009 (this does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product). For further information please contact the Farm Income and Prices Section, Agriculture Division, Statistics Canada

Notes and definitions: - Total Farm Cash Receipts is Market Receipts plus Program Payments - Net Cash Income is Total Farm Cash Receipts minus Farm Operating Expenses after Rebates - Realized Net Farm Income is Net Cash Income plus Income-in-kind minus Depreciation charges - Farm debt outstanding , at December 31. - Value per acre of farm land and buildings, at July 1, reflects the value of all farm land, including pasture and unimproved land, plus the value of farm houses, buildings, and other structures - Figures shown for Atlantic provinces are averages
- Value of farm land and buildings; Value of farm capital; Farm debt; Net farm income - Newfoundland and Labrador is included in the Canada Total since 1976. - Farm debt: In June 2015, Statistics Canada received updates to source data from an external organization. As a result, data in the Farm Debt Series for reference periods 2012, 2013 and 2014 have been revised. Revisions apply to advance payment levels in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, which affect the farm debt outstanding for those areas. However, advance payments and farm debt at the Canada level remain the same. - Net farm income: total cash receipts minus operating expenses after rebates equals net cash income; net cash income plus income-in-kind minus depreciation charges equals realized net income.

View Additional information on the survey or statistical program related to this information: Farm Product Prices Survey (FPPS) - 3436

Farm Cash Receipts - 3437

Net Farm Income - 3473

Farm Income in Kind, by Item - 3474

Value of Inventory Change - 5227

Direct Payments to Agriculture Producers - 5229


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