Open Data

Alberta Municipal Affairs Population List


From 1913 to 2019, Municipal Affairs produced the Municipal Affairs Population List that contained population counts for Alberta municipalities, Metis Settlements, and First Nations communities based on the most recent municipal or federal census. In 2020, the Municipal Affairs Population List was discontinued following the repeal of the Determination of Population Regulation. With the approval of the new Municipal Census Regulation in 2023, Municipal Affairs resumed the publication of the Municipal Affairs Population List.


February 16, 2024

Alberta municipal population First Nation population Metis Settlement population municipal affairs municipal census municipal populations

Title and Dataset Information

Alternative Title

Alberta population by municipality, Metis Settlement and First Nations community

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Municipal Affairs

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

The Municipal Affairs Population Lists reflect the populations of Alberta municipalities, Metis Settlements and First Nations communities. The annual population lists are used by some Government of Alberta ministries to determine municipal grants and support various programs and services. The information in the lists is based on municipal census results (Alberta municipalities may choose to conduct a census in any year) or federal census counts. Municipalities that choose to conduct a census are required to report the results to Municipal Affairs by September 1 of that year, and those results are reflected in the population lists. The population counts for Metis Settlements and First Nations communities are provided by Aboriginal Relations.

Although municipal census counts need to comply with legislative requirements, the information is subject to reporting errors beyond the control of the department. The Municipal Affairs Population List is not deemed to be an official population estimate for the Government of Alberta. The Alberta Official Statistic for population is the Annual Population Estimates maintained by Treasury Board and Finance, which lists totals for the province and does not include a breakdown by municipality.


Contact Name

Alberta Municipal Affairs. Municipal Services Branch.

Contact Email

Contact Other

17th Floor Commerce Place,

10155 - 102 Street,

Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4L4

Phone: 780-427-2225