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9 results

Licenses: Open Government Licence - Alberta Tags: 83O 83O ALBERTA GEOLOGY SURFICIAL-GEOLOGY

Views: 170

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 83O Northeast ( polygon features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00)...

Views: 193

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 83O Northeast ( line features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00) and...

Views: 172

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 83O Northwest (polygon features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00)...

Views: 164

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 83O Northeast ( point features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00)...

Views: 168

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 83O Northwest ( point features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00)...

Views: 191

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 83O Northwest ( line features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00) and...

Views: 1027

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset is a compilation of existing surficial map information for Alberta tiled into one layer. It was an interim product to produce the generalized polygon dataset (Alberta Geological...

Views: 1654

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset is a compilation of existing surficial map information for Alberta, edited for mapping continuity and generalized to make it suitable for presentation and use at 1:1,000,000...

Views: 1010

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset represents a reclassification of existing surficial map information for the purpose of portraying the distribution of sand and gravel deposits in Alberta. The surficial geology of...