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6 results

Licenses: Open Government Licence - Alberta Tags: 82H 82N 82O ALBERTA GEOLOGY SURFICIAL-GEOLOGY

Views: 771

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset is a GIS version of AGS Map 150, Sheets 1 - 6, as mapped at 1:250,000-scale by Bayrock and Reimchen. Digitizing was originally done by Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration...

Views: 274

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset is part of a GIS version of AGS Map 150, Sheets 1 - 6, as mapped at 1:250,000-scale by Bayrock and Reimchen. The data represent the glacial features component of the maps.

Views: 1027

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset is a compilation of existing surficial map information for Alberta tiled into one layer. It was an interim product to produce the generalized polygon dataset (Alberta Geological...

Views: 1654

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset is a compilation of existing surficial map information for Alberta, edited for mapping continuity and generalized to make it suitable for presentation and use at 1:1,000,000...

Views: 1010

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset represents a reclassification of existing surficial map information for the purpose of portraying the distribution of sand and gravel deposits in Alberta. The surficial geology of...

Views: 698

March 29, 2016


This GIS dataset depicts the Foothills Erratics Train in Southwestern Alberta, Canada (GIS data, point features). The erratics train is composed of a distinctive type of glacially transported...