The management plan provides a series of action statements to guide decision makers toward the common vision of stakeholders who live, work and recreate along the Clearwater River Corridor. The...
The management plan provides a series of action statements to guide decision makers toward the common vision of stakeholders who live, work and recreate along the Clearwater River Corridor. The management plan is effective because it has been formed through a collaborative decision making process where the needs and interests of stakeholders defined the final product. Through this process each stakeholder retained something of value, and conflicts between user groups have been identified and resolved to the satisfaction of all members of the Committee. The process although time consuming, reduces potential future conflicts among groups and lends greater support for management plan implementation. The management plan is neither legislative nor regulatory but is intended to inform government and industry decision makers. The direction and specific actions set out in the management plan are compelling because of the broad base of support they received from all participants in the process.