- title | Title
Environmental Management System (EMS) manual. Version 19
- name | URL
- owner_org | Publisher
- alternatetitle1 | Alternative Title
Alberta Transportation Environmental Management System manual
- alternatetitle2 | Alternative Title
Environmental Management System manual (v. 18)
- alternatetitle3 | Alternative Title
Environmental Management System manual. Revision #18.
- seriestitle | Series Title
- seriestitle2 | Series Title
- seriestitle3 | Series Title
- notes | Description
Transportation and Economic Corridors' Environmental Management System is intended to manage the environmental impacts related to the Department's core activities related to the design, construction, operations, maintenance and decommissioning of the provincial highway network and water infrastructure. The EMS Manual identifies the policies, procedures and practices that make up the EMS.
- pubtype | Type
- creator | Creator
Transportation and Economic Corridors
- contributor | Contributor
- contributor2 | Contributor
- contributor3 | Contributor
- contributor4 | Contributor
- contributor5 | Contributor
- contributor6 | Contributor
- contact | Contact Name
Transportation and Economic Corridors
- email | Contact Email
- contactother | Contact Other
Alberta Transportation,
- placeofpub | Place of Publication
- identifier-ISBN-print | ISBN (print)
- identifier-ISBN-pdf | ISBN (pdf)
- identifier-ISBN-html | ISBN (html)
- identifier-ISBN-cdrom | ISBN (CD-ROM)
- identifier-ISBN-dvd | ISBN (DVD)
- identifier-ISSN-print | ISSN (print)
- identifier-ISSN-online | ISSN (online)
- identifier-AGDEX-number | AGDEX number
- identifier-ALIS-catno | ALIS catalogue number
- identifier-NEOS-catkey | NEOS catalogue key
- identifier-local | Local Identifier
- published_date, | Publish on this future date.
- review_date | Review Date
- createdate | Date Created
- issuedate | Date Issued
- date_modified | Date Modified
- updatefrequency | Frequency
- topic | Topic
Roads, Driving and Transport
- tag_string | Tags
- subject | Subject (LCSH)
- subject2 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject3 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject4 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject5 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject6 | Subject (LCSH)
- time_coverage_from | Start Date
- time_coverage_to | End Date
- spatialcoverage | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage2 | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage3 | Spatial Coverage
- audience | Audience
- Entrepreneur/Self-employed
- General Public
- Government
- Extent | Extent
- Extent2 | Extent
- Extent3 | Extent
- replacedby_title | Is Replaced By - Title
Environmental Management System (EMS) manual. Version 20
- replacedby_uri | URI
- replaces_title | Replaces - Title
- replaces_uri | URI
- hastranslation_title | Has Translation - Title
- hastranslation_uri | URI
- istranslation_title | Is Translation Of
- istranslation_uri | URI
- archivedate | Date Archived
- usageconsiderations | Usage Considerations
- language | Language
English (Canadian)
- license_id | Licence
Open Government Licence - Alberta
- sensitivity | Sensitivity