Forest company forest management plans (FMPs) detail when, where and how timber on Alberta Crown land will be managed in order to balance social, economic and environmental needs based on input from the public, Indigenous peoples and interest groups. The forest management planning area under consideration is FMA 9900037. The FMP covers Forest Management Unit G15 located in west central Alberta within the Upper Peace Land-Use Framework planning region; it falls within the Subalpine, Upper Foothills, Lower Foothills and Central Mixedwood and Dry Mixedwood Natural Subregions.
April 30, 2009
Forest management plan approval decision (January 22, 2010)
Downloads: 7
Canfor healthy pine strategy (April 30, 2009)
Downloads: 5
Appendix 1 : interpretive bulletin : planning mountain pine beetle response operations
Downloads: 1
Appendix 2 : integration of SFMP 2005 into the DFMP 2003 [letter]
Downloads: 0
Appendix 2 : DFMP 2003 indicators and objectives, SFMP 2005 indicators and targets
Downloads: 0
Appendix 3 : resource and timber supply analysis healthy pine strategy
Downloads: 1
Appendix 4 : information letter 2008-05 : foothills landscape management forum : Berland Smoky access plan area
Downloads: 1
Appendix 5 : terms of reference [letter]
Downloads: 1
Appendix 5 : terms of reference
Downloads: 0
Appendix 6 : approval - Canadian Forest Products public involvement plan
Downloads: 0
Appendix 6 : public involvement program
Downloads: 0
Appendix 7 : management of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) habitat within Canfor’s Grande Prairie FMA 9900037 : a timeline
Downloads: 3
Title and publication information
Alternative Title
Amendment of the Detailed Forest Management Plan for Canfor FMA 9900037 to Incorporate Management Strategies for Mountain Pine Beetle Control.
Publisher / Creator Information
Subject Information
Resource Dates
Date Created
Date Added
Date Modified
Date Issued
Date Archived
Audience information
Usage / Licence
Usage Considerations
Forest management plans (FMPs) are a requirement of all forest management agreements negotiated between the Government of Alberta and forest companies. The Government of Alberta appraises and approves FMPs based on the Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard. FMPs focus on how activities (i.e., establishing, growing and harvesting timber) of FMA holders and other tenure holders will be managed in order to reduce negative impacts on other resource users and resource values. This is accomplished by managing the forest management activities to create a desirable future forest. FMPs also provide direction to forest operations and include specific areas identified for reforestation and harvesting activities.
Contact Name
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.