- title | Title
Barrier-free design guide. Fifth edition
- name | URL
- owner_org | Publisher
- alternatetitle1 | Alternative Title
Barrier-free design guide : based on the Alberta building code 2014.
- alternatetitle2 | Alternative Title
Design for independence and dignity for everyone : vision, hearing, communication, mobility, cognition.
- alternatetitle3 | Alternative Title
- seriestitle | Series Title
- seriestitle2 | Series Title
- seriestitle3 | Series Title
- notes | Description
The codes for barrier-free design requirements exist to allow proper and safe access and use of buildings, facilities, and open areas, and to regulate a proper and safe outcome for accessibility. The purpose of this guide is to explain the intents and objectives of each code, as well as to recommend best practices where accessibility and safety are concerns to seniors and persons with disabilities.
- pubtype | Type
- creator | Creator
- Municipal Affairs
- Safety Codes Council
- contributor | Contributor
- contributor2 | Contributor
- contributor3 | Contributor
- contributor4 | Contributor
- contributor5 | Contributor
- contributor6 | Contributor
- contact | Contact Name
Alberta Municipal Affairs
- email | Contact Email
- contactother | Contact Other
Safety Codes Council
- placeofpub | Place of Publication
- identifier-ISBN-print | ISBN (print)
- identifier-ISBN-pdf | ISBN (pdf)
- identifier-ISBN-html | ISBN (html)
- identifier-ISBN-cdrom | ISBN (CD-ROM)
- identifier-ISBN-dvd | ISBN (DVD)
- identifier-ISSN-print | ISSN (print)
- identifier-ISSN-online | ISSN (online)
- identifier-AGDEX-number | AGDEX number
- identifier-ALIS-catno | ALIS catalogue number
- identifier-NEOS-catkey | NEOS catalogue key
- identifier-local | Local Identifier
- published_date, | Publish on this future date.
- review_date | Review Date
- createdate | Date Created
- issuedate | Date Issued
- date_modified | Date Modified
- updatefrequency | Frequency
- topic | Topic
- Health and Wellness
- Society and Communities
- tag_string | Tags
- subject | Subject (LCSH)
Barrier-free design--Alberta
- subject2 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject3 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject4 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject5 | Subject (LCSH)
- subject6 | Subject (LCSH)
- time_coverage_from | Start Date
- time_coverage_to | End Date
- spatialcoverage | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage2 | Spatial Coverage
- spatialcoverage3 | Spatial Coverage
- audience | Audience
- General Public
- Health Care Professionals
- Extent | Extent
179 pages
- Extent2 | Extent
- Extent3 | Extent
- replacedby_title | Is Replaced By - Title
Accessibility design guide 2024
- replacedby_uri | URI
- replaces_title | Replaces - Title
- replaces_uri | URI
- hastranslation_title | Has Translation - Title
- hastranslation_uri | URI
- istranslation_title | Is Translation Of
- istranslation_uri | URI
- archivedate | Date Archived
- usageconsiderations | Usage Considerations
- language | Language
English (Canadian)
- license_id | Licence
Open Government Licence - Alberta
- sensitivity | Sensitivity