
FMU C5 2006 forest management plan


The Forest Management Unit (FMU) C5 2006 Forest Management Plan (FMP) was prepared by the Crown. Under the new Forest Management Agreement (FMA) 2100047 – effective May 1, 2021 – Crowsnest Forest Products Ltd. is required to submit an FMP in accordance with the forest planning standards for the Minister's approval on or May 1, 2025. The 2025 FMP will replace the 2006 FMP. FMPs detail when, where and how timber on Alberta Crown land will be managed in order to balance social, economic and environmental needs based on input from the public, Indigenous peoples and interest groups. FMU C5 is located within the South Saskatchewan Land-use Framework planning region in southern Alberta and falls within the Montane, Alpine and Subalpine Natural Subregions.


February 17, 2017

C5 forest management area Crowsnest Forest Products Ltd. FMPs FMU FMU C5 forest management forest management plans forest management units

Title and publication information

Alternative Title

Forest management unit 2006 C5 forest management plan

Alternative Title

C5 forest management plan 2006-2026

Alternative Title

C5 forest management unit forest management plan



Publisher / Creator Information

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ISBN (pdf)


ISBN (print)


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Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Forest management plans are a requirement of all forest management agreements negotiated between the Government of Alberta and forest companies. The Government of Alberta appraises and approves FMPs based on the Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard. FMPs focus on how activities (such as establishing, growing and harvesting timber) of FMA holders and other tenure holders will be managed in order to reduce negative impacts on other resource users and resource values. This is accomplished by managing the forest management activities to create a desirable future forest. FMPs also provide direction to forest operations and include specific areas identified for reforestation and harvesting activities.


Contact Name

Agriculture and Forestry – Forestry Division

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