This digital dataset represents the modelled outputs of the three-dimensional distribution of sandiness in the Paskapoo Formation, Alberta, Canada. Sand-abundance values were determined from log...
This digital dataset represents the modelled outputs of the three-dimensional distribution of sandiness in the Paskapoo Formation, Alberta, Canada. Sand-abundance values were determined from log analysis of water-well lithologs and petroleum exploration downhole-geophysical logs, specifically gamma-ray logs. We derived the sandiness values by calculating the average sandiness in 25 m thick slices above the base of the Paskapoo Formation in a borehole and by assigning the average value (P50) to the midpoint of each slice interval. Alberta Geological Survey Bulletin 66 provides detailed descriptions of the methodology. We tested the borehole sand-abundance values in a 3-D variogram prior to kriging in a regular block model consisting of cells with dimensions of 1000 m on the x and y planes and 25 m in the z (elevation) direction. Values of modelled sandiness range from 0 (absence of sand) to 1 (100% sand) and are assigned elevations based on two datums: 1) a stratigraphic level...