Open Data

Publicly funded post secondary enrolments - FLE enrolment by field of study


This item has been replaced by a more recent resource or the content may be otherwise out of date. It is provided for informational and research purposes.

Full Load Equivalent (FLE) is a measure used so that we can make comparable calculations across different institutions, across different programs. The FLE is measured by taking the load of the student enrolled (instructional hours + practicum hours) and dividing by the full load of that program. This results in a comparable metric to be able to use across the system. The FLE calculation is consistent for every institution and program. Field of study is reported using the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) 2011 code value assigned to each program and specialization. CIP codes are used to classify like programs based on the instructional content of the program/specializations. This dataset will show the FLE measure by each 2 digit CIP code by Academic Year.


February 20, 2014

CIP CIP codes FLEs post-secondary enrolment post-secondary institutions publicly-funded post-secondary institutions

Title and Dataset Information

Alternative Title

Full Load Equivalent (FLE) Enrolment in Alberta's Publicly funded post-secondary system by 2 digit CIP 2011 code value

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Advanced Education

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Spatial Coverage


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Date Archived


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Data continuity

Additional usage notes

  • Banff Centre does not offer certificate, degree or diploma programs. As a result, no data for Banff Centre is listed.
  • Program completions include completions in certificate, degree and diploma programs only.
  • As the Journeyman program type is a certificate credential, students completing their final instructional portion in their apprenticeship program are included in the values above.
  • In 2013-14, Innovation and Advanced Education introduced a new reporting application. This resulted in some data conversions and updated full-time/part-time calculations. As a result of these changes, the data in the table may not align with previous data pulls.
  • Academic years are related to each individual institution, and generally run from May through April or July through June. The data is submitted at the end of each academic year, and then requires a rigorous review and sign off, meaning there is a time lag of approximately one year before data is updated.

Institutional Related Notes:

  • University of Alberta assumed responsibility for Augustana University College on July 1, 2004. For comparison purposes, all values in this data set have been included in the university count.
  • In September 2009 the Lieutenant Governor in Council changed the name of Grant MacEwan College and Mount Royal College to Grant MacEwan University and Mount Royal University. All values in this data set have been listed with the current name.
  • On May 3, 2007, Alliance University College and Canadian Nazarene University College merged to become Ambrose University College. All values in this data set have been listed with the current name.
  • On June 30, 2009, Taylor University College and Seminary became Taylor College and Seminary and ceased offering undergraduate academic baccalaureate programs, meaning no enrolments will be reported as of 2009-10.


Contact Name

Annik Foreman

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