Open Data

Public disclosure of travel and expenses


List of expenses incurred by elected and government officials subject to the Public Disclosure of Travel and Expenses Directive. Includes category, date and amount of expense and link to scanned receipt.


April 12, 2023

accommodation expenses expense disclosures expenses government expenses government spending hospitality hospitality expenses meal expenses travel travel expenses

Title and Dataset Information

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

  • On October 1, 2012 the Government of Alberta implemented a new comprehensive disclosure policy on travel, accommodation, meals and hospitality expenses. The disclosure requirements apply to ministers and associate ministers, their political staff, and senior officials appointed by Order in Council and paid directly by government; and to deputy ministers and executive managers in the Alberta Public Service. Expenses are published online, along with receipts. Disclosures are reported on a bi-monthly basis.
  • The following lists the definition of each field within the dataset:
    • Ministry - The Ministry where the expense was incurred;
    • Position - The position of the Discloser that incurred the expense
    • Name - The name of the Discloser that incurred the expense (Last Name,First Name);
    • Category - The high level classification of the expense (Travel, Hospitality, Working Session);
    • Type - Further defines the Travel Category (e.g. Air fare, Meals, Accommodations, etc.);
    • Date - The date the expense was incurred;
    • Amount - The dollar amount of the expense;
    • Description/Rationale - The short high level description and rationale of the expense;
    • Receipt - A hyperlink to the scanned receipt of the expense.
  • To access the data file, click on the dataset link and then scroll to the down on the page; the option to download a csv file will be present below the expense table.


Contact Name

For any additional expense related questions you may have pertaining to a specific ministry, contact the Communications Director for that ministry.