Open Data

Public Disclosure of Salary and Severance


Under the Public Service Compensation Disclosure Policy, compensation, including salary, benefit, and severance amounts for government employees with base salaries or severance payments of equal to or greater than the identified annual threshold, are available in the linked dataset.


December 31, 2021

Salary disclosure government employees public servants salaries severance

Title and Dataset Information

Date Modified


Update Frequency

Semi-annual (every 6 months)

Publisher / Creator Information

Service Alberta

Service Alberta

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

  • This policy applies to employees of Ministers and Associate Ministers Offices’ and Government of Alberta departments and includes: deputy ministers; senior officials appointed by an Order in Council and paid directly by the Government of Alberta; employees within the office of a Minister or the office of the Premier; and employees as defined under the Government Organization Act.

  • Most recent contracts for deputy ministers, senior officials and employees within the offices of a minister or the Premier are posted. Where applicable, termination agreements are also posted. The majority of the 2013 records reflect complete earnings and are up-to-date as of January 31, 2014. There may be adjustments as records are finalized.

  • Note that the names of individuals and attached PDF documents are not included in the open data release of the salaries data. The Public Disclosure of Salary and Severance webpage includes this data for viewing.

  • The numeric and other fields are included to support trending, statistical analysis or the creation of applications based on the data. The data has not in any way been aggregated or summarized in this dataset, so it is also possible to locate the name and contract files using the filters available on the Public Disclosure of Salary and Severance webpage. Names have been excluded from this dataset to prevent search engine indexing, and confine the bulk republication and distribution of individuals’ names to help maintain the privacy of public service employees.

  • For more information, see the Related Documents linked to in this record.


Contact Name

For any additional salary and severance related questions you may have pertaining to a specific Ministry, contact the Communications Director for that Ministry.