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Provincial Timber Harvest and Annual Allowable Cut, Alberta Crown Lands


This Alberta Official Statistic indicates the status of Alberta’s timber stocks by comparing the actual annual timber harvest with the long-term annual allowable cut (AAC). The gap between harvest and annual allowable cut (AAC) is a measure reflecting the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry’s ability to manage Alberta’s timber resources in a sustainable manner. It indicates the status of Alberta’s timber stocks by comparing the actual annual timber harvest with the annual amount of timber the Ministry allows to be cut in the forested portion of the province. The target is to keep Alberta’s annual timber harvest at or below the AAC and reduce the gap between actual harvest and AAC. This measure indicates the status of Alberta’s timber stocks by comparing the actual annual timber harvest with the long-term AAC, as set by the province within the Green Area. The Green Area is primarily the unsettled portion of the province defined as lands not available for agricultural development other than grazing. To ensure sustainability, harvest levels every year should not exceed approved AAC for that year.


May 15, 2015

AOS Alberta Official Statistics Allowable Cut Official Statistic Sustainable Timber Harvest

Title and Dataset Information

Date Modified


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Publisher / Creator Information


Agriculture and Forestry

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Spatial Coverage


Resource Dates

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Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


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Usage Considerations

Annual allowable cut (AAC) is the amount of timber that can be harvested on a sustainable basis (in accordance with the policy of sustained yield) within a defined planning area. Recreation areas, wildlife reserves, and stream buffers are excluded from the AAC calculation. The AAC is determined on either an individual forest management unit basis or specific forest management agreement area basis. Information is compiled in a database to determine the AAC for the province. Data from the Timber Production and Revenue System is used to determine the harvest level. Certain volumes are not included in the harvest level for the purpose of comparability to the AAC. For example, fire salvage is not included in harvest levels because it does not contribute to the AAC. A five-year rolling average is used to report provincial AAC and harvest levels. Results are reported on a one-year lag cycle.

This measure reflects the ministry’s ability to manage Alberta’s timber resources in a sustainable manner. It indicates the status of Alberta’s timber stocks by comparing the actual annual timber harvest with the annual amount of timber allowed to be cut in the forested portion of the province. The target is to keep Alberta’s annual timber harvest at or below the AAC and reduce the gap between actual harvest and AAC.


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Office of Statistics and Information

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