Open Data

Life Insurance Premiums, Annuities, Claims, and Certificates, Alberta, 2012


Data provided by insurers, on the premiums, annuities, claims and certificates for the 2012 year. Based on reporting on the consolidated pages of the P&C-1 or Life-1 Annual returns. This data is also reported in the Superintendent of Insurance’s Annual Report.


May 15, 2015

Insurance Premiums claims life

Title and Dataset Information

Alternative Title

Superintendent of Insurance Annual Report data

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Treasury Board and Finance

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Spatial Coverage


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Insurance companies transacting in Alberta are required by regulation to report their returns to the Superintendent of Insurance. These tables provide an abstract of the returns of companies transacting life insurance in Alberta. Fields are left blank when a company reports no transactions in an activity, or when the company does not operate in that type of insurance.

The following terms are used in the data tables:

Premiums: the amount paid to an insurance company to obtain insurance coverage. Premiums are paid as a lump sum or in installments during the duration of the policy.

Claims: payments made based on the terms of an insurance policy.

Dividends: amounts paid to participating policyholders as determined by the insurer, and as prescribed by the insurance contract.

Annuities: contracts sold by insurance companies designed to provide payments to the holder at specified intervals, usually after retirement.

Certificates: a certificate of insurance is a document issued to the members of a group insurance plan, evidencing their participation in a plan.

Exhibit of Certificates: details the number of policies or certificates in force in a year, starting with the amount in force at the beginning of the year, adding new additions and subtracting policies ceased during the year to show the amount in force at the end of the year.

Gross in Force: The amount of premium before reinsurance in force at a period of time.

New Insured and Other Additions: insurance policies or certificates issued during the year.

Ceased during the Year: insurance policies or certificates cancelled or ending during the year.

Net in Force: The amount of premium after reinsurance in force at a period of time.


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TBF Data Support