The Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program (AHFMP) is collaboration between the following organizations: Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF) Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Alberta Energy (AE) Various non-government organizations.
The goal of the AHFMP is to improve the accuracy of the human footprint data and to focus expertise from the various organizations on a single footprint product. Currently AEP and ABMI co-lead the program.
The AHFMP stratifies footprint features into footprint sublayers based on logical groupings. Roads, oil and gas well pads, rail lines, gravel pits, agriculture fields are examples of sub layers. Where possible, the AHFMP will obtain features for these sub layers directly from authoritative sources. In some of these cases the data authority are responsible for the distribution of the sub-layer.
Only when the features are not available from an authoritative source will the AHFMP create their own data. When this occurs, the AHFMP will work with subject matter experts (SMEs) from various organizations to ensure the features are digitized and attributed correctly.
AEP has completed the following sub-layers in collaboration with ABMI and Alberta Energy. These are available for public use: Oil and Gas Well Pads (conventional and in situ) for 2014 and 2016 Road verges, surfaces and centre lines for 2014 only. Pipeline verges and centre lines for 2016.
Other sub-layers will be added as they are completed. ABMI is also working on numerous sub layers that are available on their website.
March 25, 2019
Title and Dataset Information
Alternative Title
Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program (AHFMP) - Footprint Sublayers - Circa 2014 & 2016
Date Modified
Update Frequency
Every 2 months
Publisher / Creator Information
Environment and Parks
Subject Information
Start Date
End Date
Spatial Coverage
Resource Dates
Date Created
Date Added to catalogue
Date Issued
Date Modified
Audience information
Usage / Licence
Usage Considerations
The purpose of the footprint AHFMP sub-layers are to provide organizations a value-neutral and well documented footprint features that reflect the original direct mechanical disturbance of various human activities. It is at the user's discretion to decide how they will interpret the impact (if any) of the footprint feature and how they will integrate the overlapping footprint sub layers.
The interpretation of the functional footprint (impact of the footprint) and any indirect effect of footprint features are out of scope for the AHFMP.
Contact Name
Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta