Open Data

Building Permit Information for all Provinces, Alberta and Alberta's Census Divisions (2011-2012)


(StatCan Product) Monthly building permit information for all provinces (sum), Alberta and Alberta's Census Divisions.

Customization details:   This information product has been customized to present monthly informationon the value of construction intentions for buildings in the non-residential and residential sector for all provinces (sum), Alberta and Alberta’s 19 Census Divisions (CD) for 2011-2012.   The monthly building permit variables presented are:   Residential:   - Single - Multiple

Non-Residential:   - Commercial - Industrial - Institutional  

Building Permits Survey   The monthly Building Permits Survey of Canadian municipalities collects data on the value of construction intentions for buildings in the non-residential sector and the number of dwellings authorized and value of construction projects in the residential sector. The survey also measures the number of dwelling units demolished. Building permit data are widely used as a leading indicator for the construction industry since the issuance of a building permit is one of the first steps in the construction process.

Statistics on building permits are essential for the computation of residential capital expenditures and inputs for the quarterly and annual estimates of net capital stock and depreciation by component. They are also a major input in the computation of the investment in non-residential building construction on a sub-annual basis.

In addition, the results of this survey are used by CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) as a reference base for conducting a monthly survey of housing starts and completions in accordance with its mandate.

The statistics are used by a wide range of economists, construction industry analysts, housing market analysts and economic development officers across Canada.


November 5, 2012

StatCan Product

Title and Dataset Information

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Treasury Board and Finance

Subject Information

Start Date


End Date


Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Statistics Canada has adopted an open licence which allows this product to be accessible to all GOA employees and to the general public.  This product has been reproduced and distributed on an “as is “ basis with the permission of Statistics Canada.   It was originally acquired by Alberta Finance and Enterprise under a Statistics Canada agreement that restricted the sharing of this information with only 3 Government of Alberta departments.  This restriction no longer applies with the adoption of the open licence.


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