Open Data

Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) Caseload


This Seniors, Community and Social Services (SCSS) dataset describes the monthly Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) caseload in Alberta. The AISH program provides financial and health benefits to eligible adult Albertans with a permanent medical condition that prevents them from earning a living.


Caseloads are reported as the actual volume each month and by the Alberta government’s fiscal year. Depending on an individual’s situation, some AISH benefits may also be provided for a spouse or partner and dependent children.


Monthly caseloads are also shown as a portion of the entire Alberta population; and by gender, age, primary medical condition, family composition, employment participation and six service delivery regions across the province.


For locations of AISH delivery regions, choose the Alberta Seniors, Community and Social Services Regions Map within the Resources section.



November 14, 2024

AISH Disability

Title and Dataset Information

Alternative Title

AISH Monthly Caseloads

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Seniors, Community and Social Services

Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified



Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

The data presents active clients for a specific month and presents the monthly caseload from April 2008 to the present. This is reported as the number of active cases for the month or, if more than one month is selected, it will be the average of the time range.


Clients active over a period of months are counted in the totals for each month they were active. The level of financial benefits varies depending on each individual's situation.


Please note: North regions began separate reporting in March 2018. From November 2021, we stopped reporting North Central data due to caseload changes as a result of North Central Region collapsing into North East Region.



Contact Name

Seniors, Community and Social Services

Contact Email