Open Data

Alberta Water Well Information Database


The database contains information about individual water well drilling reports, chemical analysis reports up to the end of 1986, springs, flowing shot holes, test holes, and pump tests conducted on the wells. There is approximately 500,000 records within the database with about 5,000 new records being added each year.


January 3, 2020

domestic wells groundwater groundwater monitoring wells

Title and Dataset Information

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Environment and Parks

Subject Information

Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Modified



Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Data provided through this website are preliminary in nature. This data may not have been reviewed or edited for accuracy and may be subject to significant change when reviewed or corrected. Please exercise caution and carefully consider the provisional nature of the information provided.The Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this data and any use of it is, therefore, entirely at your own risk. Users are encouraged to update their database frequently in order to have the most up-to-date version currently available.

The databases found on Alberta Water Wells is publicly accessible information. The data is for the sole use by the client who has acquired the database.Alberta Environment provides data as received, any changes to the dataset by users are not endorsed, supported, or verified by Alberta Environment. Any alterations to the dataset as presented are made at the risk of the user making the changes.

To reference this database in any reports or enhancements done by the clients, use this citation:

Government of Alberta, Alberta Water Well Information Database (or Baseline Water Well Test Database). Retrieved [date of retrieval], from

Note: [date of retrieval] is the date the database was downloaded from the Alberta Water Wells website or queried using Web Services.

The client agrees to the above terms when the database is obtained from Alberta Environment and Parks.


Contact Name

Groundwater Information Center (GIC)

Contact Email

Contact Other

Phone Number: 780-427-2770