Open Data

Alberta Provincial Electoral Division Profiles - 2021 (Data for Alberta and the 87 PEDs - 2023 Boundaries)


Electoral Boundaries are defined by the Alberta Election Act, Chapter E-1, 2018. Provincial Electoral Divisions (PEDs) are territorial units represented by an elected Member to serve in the Alberta Provincial Legislative Assembly. These profiles provide detailed demographic and socio-economic information for Alberta's 87 Provincial Electoral Divisions. Data have been specifically tabulated from the 2021 Census of Canada.


April 12, 2023

2021 Census of Canada Education Ethnicity Family Immigrant Income Indigenous Language MLA PED population provincial ridings visible minority population

Title and Dataset Information

Alternative Title

Provincial Electoral Divisions Data - CSV Format

Date Modified


Update Frequency

Every 5 years

Publisher / Creator Information


Treasury Board and Finance

Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Data in this report have been specially tabulated from Statistics Canada's 2021 Census of Canada, by allocation of Statistics Canada block face reference points to PEDs. The following PEDs contained incompletely enumerated reserve: Livingstone-Macleod (Eden Valley 216), Chestermere-Rocky View (Tsuu T’ina Nation 145), Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre (Big Horn 144A), Banff-Cochrane (Stoney 142, 143, 144) and Lac La Biche-St. Paul-Two Hills (Saddle Lake 125). The total non-response rate (TNR) reflects only total non-response, meaning all questions were unanswered or the returned questionnaire did not meet minimum content. The TNR is an indication of data quality, where a smaller TNR suggests a lower risk of non-response bias and therefore, more reliable figures and estimates. When the TNR is 50% or above, the data should be used with caution. The TNR is identified for each region. Alberta had a TNR of 3.6 for the short-form census and 5.6 for the long-form.


Contact Name

Office of Statistics and Information

Contact Email