Open Data

Sun exposure in outdoor workers


Contains data collected in support of a study to measure the exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation of outdoor workers in Alberta. The dataset contains dosimeter readings and measurements of solar ultraviolet radiation exposure, as well as other relevant metrics.


September 17, 2020

OHS Futures OHS Futures Research Funding Program Occupational Health and Safety Futures Research Funding Program UVR occupational health hazards outdoor workers skin cancer sun exposure ultraviolet radiation exposure work conditions

Title and Dataset Information

Alternative Title

Outdoor workers project

Date Modified


Update Frequency


Publisher / Creator Information


Jobs, Economy and Northern Development

Subject Information

Resource Dates

Date Created


Date Added to catalogue


Date Issued


Date Modified


Audience information


Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

  • Funding for this research was provided by the OHS Futures Research Funding Program. The research was not conducted by the Government of Alberta and any data collected or findings or conclusions presented are not endorsed by the GoA. Requests for further information or questions about the data should be addressed to the authors of the report directly.
  • All members (civilian and sworn) of the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) and Calgary Police Service (CPS) were invited to participate in a web survey focusing on the occupational health risks for police officers. The survey methods and instrument were approved by a University of Alberta Research Ethics Board. The EPS declined to include questions about physical and mental health, and job satisfaction and morale, in the survey of its members. Hence, these questions (sections E and F) were answered only by CPS members. Since the questions asked were most relevant for sworn officers, response rates for civilian members were low. For sworn members, the EPS response rate was 41%, compared to 30% for the CPS. Email addresses (voluntarily provided by respondents who wanted to be included in a draw for participation incentive prizes) have been removed from the data. Further steps taken to anonymize the data include: (a) randomly assigning "male" or "female" gender designations to the small number of individuals who self-identified as "other"; (b) collapsing age and years in the police service (interval measures) into 5-year categories; (c) collapsing the small number of participants in senior management positions into a single "higher ranks" category; and (d) removing verbatim comments provided by some participants at the end of the survey. In addition, verbatim responses to several open-ended questions (e.g., what should the training focus on?) have been coded into categories by the research team.


Contact Name

OHS Futures Research Grant Program

Contact Email