Open Data

Stocks of Grain on Alberta Farms on July 31


This product provides information on Stocks of Grain (All Wheat, Oats, Barley, All Rye, Flaxseed and Canola) on Alberta Farms on July 31, over 34 year are included.


February 6, 2017

Agriculture Statistics Yearbook Barley Canola Flaxseen Oats Rye Stocks of Grain Wheat

Title and Dataset Information

Date Modified


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Publisher / Creator Information


Agriculture and Forestry

Subject Information

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End Date


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Usage / Licence

Usage Considerations

Alberta Agriculture Statistics - Alberta Crops is compiled by the Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Statistics and Data Development Branch.

Data Source from Statistics Canada, CANSIM Database Table Numbers 001-0040. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.

Note: Referring to Statistics Canada's 'Field Crop Reporting Series"" - The purpose of this set of farm surveys is to obtain information on grains and other field crops stored on farms (March, July, September and December Farm surveys), seeded area (all surveys except December Farm survey), harvested area, expected yield and production of field crops (July, September and November Farm surveys). - This is a series of six data collection activities which are used in the release of estimates at pre-scheduled, strategic times during the crop year. - These data are meant to provide accurate and timely estimates of seeding intentions, seeded and harvested area, production, yield and farm stocks of the principal field crops in Canada at the provincial level. The crops surveyed include wheat, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, canola, corn for grain, soybeans, sunflower seed, dry beans, dry field peas, lentils, mustard seed, Canary seed and chick peas. -The data are used by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and other federal departments to develop and administer agricultural policies. This information is also used by provincial departments for production and price analysis and for economic research. -Target Population: The target population for the Farm Surveys includes all farms in Canada enumerated in the Census of Agriculture except institutional farms, farms on First Nations reserves and farms from the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut. -Farm surveys collect data from Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at all survey occasions. However they only collect data twice a year (in the June Farm survey on seeded areas and in the November Farm survey on final crop production) for Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and British Columbia.

View Additional information on the survey or statistical program related to this information: Field Crop Reporting Series - 3401

Miller's Monthly Report - 3403

Report of Crushing Operations - 3404

Survey of Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans - 3464

Survey of Commercial Stocks of the Major Special Crops - 3476


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