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422 results

Organizations: Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development (1992-2006) Topics: Agriculture

Views: 204

January 1, 1992


Breeding success depends on the reproductive health of both the cow and the bull. Because a bull is expected to service a number of cows, determining the potential fertility of the bull is much...

Views: 833

January 1, 1992


The need for micronutrients in crop production have long been recognized in Alberta. Zinc deficiencies in irrigated beans in southern Alberta were detected in the early 1980s. Research by Alberta...

Views: 1124

July 1, 1991


While nitrates (N03) are not very toxic to animals, nitrites (N02) are toxic. In ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats, nitrate is converted to nitrite by bacteria in the rumen. When...

Views: 1005

January 1, 1991


The warble is a major economic pest of cattle in Alberta. Warble grubs, which are the larval stage of the "heelfly," spend over nine months in cattle as internal parasites. During this period they...

Views: 1176

January 1, 1990


This publication is a guide for red clover seed production. Keep in mind local conditions and your experience as a producer when using this information. Red clover is a short-lived perennial. The...

Views: 414

August 1, 1988


Effective leaders have many common qualities. Making the effort to practise and learn the skills it takes to be an effective leader will enable you to use the style of leadership necessary in any...

Views: 262

January 1, 1987


Legumes have a wide area of adaptation when grown for forage, soil improvement and conservation, but their potential for producing seed profitably is restricted to regions with specific soil and...

Views: 2967

January 1, 1987


Six species of swallows occur in Alberta. Most have similar life histories and requirements for food and water. Only cliff and barn swallows regularly build mud nests on buildings and other...

Views: 173

January 1, 1986


Direct solar energy has been applied to grain drying for years. The sun and wind dry crops in the field, stack or windrow. Artificial drying has supplemented this process to increase the harvest...

Views: 1368

January 1, 1984


The main objective of proper grain storage is to maintain the quality and characteristics that the grain possessed immediately after harvesting and drying. The quality of grain cannot be improved...