This GIS dataset represents a reclassification of existing surficial map information for the purpose of portraying the distribution of sand and gravel deposits in Alberta. The surficial geology of Alberta ungeneralised digital mosaic (Alberta Geological Survey DIG2013-0001) represents the primary source of information used in this reclassification. This dataset was updated with more recently published 1:100,000 scale surficial geology maps, and where appropriate new polygon features that were digitized from line features in the Glacial Landforms of Alberta (Alberta Geological Survey Map 604 and DIG2014-0022). The updated surficial geology mosaic was then reclassified using a thematically-based attribute table which categorizes the original surficial geology features based on their sand and gravel component. Attributes within this table comprise: (1) an approximation of the material type (MATERIAL). (2) the aerial proportion that this material represents of the polygon, as a...