After six Muslims were killed in a Quebec City mosque in 2017, the Premier committed to take action against racism in Alberta. This plan delivers on that commitment, following extensive...
After six Muslims were killed in a Quebec City mosque in 2017, the Premier committed to take action against racism in Alberta. This plan delivers on that commitment, following extensive consultations with Albertans who experience racism first-hand. It includes two items which will be implemented immediately: the establishment of anti-racism advisory council as the first government organization dedicated to fighting racism in Alberta; and the establishment of a community anti-racism grants program, which will fund community initiatives that fight racism. As well, further engagement consultations will be held to help move forward on other initiatives, including: starting a foreign qualification recognition fund, expanding career mentorship programs to smaller cities, creating a provincial hate crimes unit, funding the Alberta Hate Crimes Committee, updating the provincial curriculum to include materials focused on fighting racism, expanding the number of languages in which students...