From June 12-23 (inclusive) 2000, preliminary bird inventories were conducted for three, newly established Wildland Provincial Parks (WPPs) located in the Central Mixedwood (Boreal Forest) and...
From June 12-23 (inclusive) 2000, preliminary bird inventories were conducted for three, newly established Wildland Provincial Parks (WPPs) located in the Central Mixedwood (Boreal Forest) and Athabasca Plain (Canadian Shield) Sub-Regions of northeast Alberta. These parks, and the total number of bird species documented within them (to date) are: Marguerite Crag and Tail WPP (61); Maybelle River WPP (85), and Richardson River Dunes WPP (64). A composite bird checklist was compiled for the study area as a whole. It comprises species (representing 31 families) of which 16 (13.8%) are considered residents and the remainder, summer residents. Of the latter 100 species, 26 are short-distance migrants and 74 are Neotropical Migrants (NTMs; split equally between Obligate and Facultative NTMs). From a conservation perspective, it is noteworthy that almost two-thirds (63.8%) of the study area bird list is comprised of NTMs.