This dataset is provided by the Ministry of Utilities and Affordability, Rural Utilities Branch, and represents rural low-pressure pipelines (less than 700 kPa) in Alberta that are under the...
This dataset is provided by the Ministry of Utilities and Affordability, Rural Utilities Branch, and represents rural low-pressure pipelines (less than 700 kPa) in Alberta that are under the jurisdiction of the Gas Distribution Act, including Gas Co-ops, First Nations, Municipalities and Counties, Private Systems, Apex Utilities Inc., and ATCO Gas Inc. The data is based on annual submissions of as-builts to Rural Utilities, Alberta Affordability and Utilities. The pipeline attributes include current status, type of pipe, and the contact information for each distributor. The linear data features contain: 1. Pipe material, 2. Status, 3. Year built, if known, and 4. The name of the natural gas distributor and general contact information for inquiries and requests.