_______________________________________________________ THE AGRASID CD-ROM Version 1.0 June 1998 _______________________________________________________ This is the install and reference file for the AGRASID CD-ROM, v 1.0. This is a plain ASCII text file which you may read or print out using the word processor or text editor of your choice. This file is located in the root directory of the AGRASID CD-ROM and is also copied to the AGRASID directory on your hard drive during the install process. The README2.TXT file (located on the root directory of the CD-ROM) may contain last minute release information. We recommend you print a copy of this file to use as a handy reference while navigating through the CD. ____________AGRASID CD-ROM: DATA VIEWER _______________ MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The minimum system requirements to use the Viewer is a computer running Windows 95/NT 4.0 (tm) operating system, at least a 486 processor, 8Mb memory, and 10Mb hard disk space, and a CD-ROM reader. 100Mb of hard disk space is required for a full install of the Viewer and all related files. A faster processor and more internal memory will produce much better performance by the Viewer. A custom install will require between 10MB & 100Mb of disk space. INSTALLING THE VIEWER Insert the AGRASID CD-ROM disk into the computer's CD-ROM drive and run the SETUP.EXE for your operating system; contained in either the WIN95 or NT40 directory; then follow the install instructions on the screen. For example, if your CD-ROM is drive "D:" and your operating system is Windows 95, then run D:\WIN95\SETUP.EXE. Note: If you have already installed the AGRASID Viewer then it is recommended that you unistall the existing version, before installing the new version. To uninstall the AGRASID Viewer use Windows 95 Add/Remove programs. This is found in the Control Panel folder _____ AGRASID CD-ROM: DIRECTORIES AND FILES____________ The following section describes what is on the AGRASID CD-ROM and how it is organized. Assuming that your CD-ROM drive is "D:", then D:\ (root directory) - README.TXT file (this file); - README2.TXT file; - some required setup files. D:\WIN95 AGRASID Windows 95 install files. IMPORTANT: Do not run the Windows 95 install on a NT 4.0 system. The files which are installed are specific to Windows 95. D:\NT40 AGRASID NT 4.0 install files. Run the setup located in this directory to install the AGRASID viewer on an NT 4.0 system. D:\DOC The documentation files in HTML format. To view these files requires Netscape, Windows Explorer, or similar HTML browser. They may also be viewed with a word processor that is HTML compatable. AGRASID.HTM This is the main AGRASID document file from which you can view and access all of the other documents in a hypertext fashion. D:\DOC\VIEWER AGRASIDV.HTM AGRASID Viewer documentation. D:\DOC\SOIL_UM SOIL_UM.HTM The Soil Landscape User's Manual. D:\DOC\SIP_PM SIP_PM.HTM The Soil Inventory Project Procedures Manual. D:\DOC\LSYS_UM LSYS_UM.HTM The Land Systems User's Manual. D:\DOC\LSYS_PDF LS_GENRL.PDF General Land Systems Descriptions. The General Land Systems Descriptions in PDF (portable document format). It may be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader (tm). The Reader may be downloaded at no cost from the Adobe Web site (www.adobe.com). D:\DATA\DBF The soil attribute information in standard dBase (dbf) format. CN-SL.DBF - Soil Landscapes, Central Area CN-MAS.DBF - Basic Soil Evidence, Central Area PC-SL.DBF - Soil Landscapes, Peace Area PC-MAS.DBF - Basic Soil Evidence, Peace Area SNF.DBF - Soil Names File, AGRASID Area SLF.DBF - Soil Layer File, AGRASID Area (Note: See the Soil Landscape User's Manual for an expanded description of these files) LS_LEGND.DBF - Land Systems Legend, AGRASID Area (Note: See the Land Systems User's Manual for an expanded description of this file) D:\DATA\E00\2FILES Complete coverage for Central and Peace The GIS coverages are in 10TM projection, Central Meridian=-115:00:00, Scale Factor=0.9992 and datum NAD27. The soil polygon information is in Arc Export uncompressed (E00) format as 2 files: CN-ALL.E00 contains the Central: 55,000 polygons PC-ALL.E00 contains the Peace: 9,000 polygons For ease of handling, these files have been partitioned into 13 smaller files.) D:\DATA\E00\13FILES Partitioned files for Central and Peace The soil polygon information is in Arc Export uncompressed (E00) format and partitioned into 13 smaller files: CN01...CN10.E00 contain the 10 CENTRAL region files. PC01...PC03.E00 contain the 3 PEACE region files. The number of polygons vary from approximately 3000 to 6500 per partition. Refer to Figures 4 & 5 in the Soil Landscape User's Manual for a spatial representation of these partitioned files. _____ AGRASID CD-ROM: SOME QUESTIONS ______________________ Q: Do I have to install the AGRASID Viewer in order to use the data? A: NO. The AGRASID Viewer is primarily meant as a convenience. It lets individuals get an idea of what soil data is available and where it is. By checking the AGRASID CD-ROM directory structure and file information included in this README file, you can simply copy the files you wish from the CD-ROM. The database attribute information is in standard dBase format and the soil polygons are in ArcInfo Export (E00) format. The great majority of mapping packages can handle data in these formats. Q: Do I need Windows 95 in order to use the AGRASID Viewer? A: YES. The Viewer uses software components which operate under Windows 95. You can still use the data if you do not have Windows 95, but you will not be able to use the Viewer or run the setup program. Q: Can I use the AGRASID Viewer with NT 4.0? A: YES. The Viewer has been successfully installed and tested on NT 4.0 Workstation and NT 4.0 Server. It has not been tested, at this time, on NT 3.51.