Open Data

High School Completion Rate of Students within 3 Years and within 5 Years of Entering Grade 10, Alberta


This statistic reports the percentages of Alberta students in public, separate, francophone, charter, and accredited private schools who, within three and five years of entering Grade 10, completed high school (2011-2012 to 2015-2016). The high school completion rate reports the percentages of Alberta students in public, separate, francophone, charter, and accredited private schools who, within three and five years of entering Grade 10, received an Alberta High School Diploma; an Alberta High School Equivalency Diploma (GED); a Certificate of High School Achievement for completing Knowledge and Employability courses and the certificate requirements; entered an Alberta post-secondary program or an apprenticeship program; or earned credits in five Grade 12 courses, including one language arts diploma examination course and three other diploma examination courses.


March 28, 2018

AOS Alberta Official Statistic Cohort tracking High School Completion rate

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Data for this measure are from Alberta Education and Alberta Advanced Education systems. The provincial rate is calculated by dividing the number of high school completers by the number of students in the Grade 10 Cohort, adjusted for attrition, as shown in the formula below: (High School Completers)/((Grade 10 Cohort-Attrition Factor))=High School Completion Rate

Attrition is the estimate of the number of students from the Grade 10 Cohort who leave the province or die in the years subsequent to the start of Grade 10. The attrition estimate is based on the following factors: a) mortality; b) emigration; c) interprovincial out migration; d) an estimate of the percentage of 16-, 17-, and 18-year-olds who are enrolled in school (school participation rate); and e) a downward adjustment to account for youth who are not in school. The source of the statistics for deaths, emigrants, inter-provincial out-migrants and population by age (for calculation of attrition and school participation rates) is Statistics Canada, Annual Demographic Estimates. In 2010, high school completion rate methodology was revised to reflect new data received from the post-secondary system. Under the revised methodology, the calculations incorporate the post-secondary Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) coding to better identify those students enrolled in programs that are not deemed to be post-secondary level programming (e.g., academic upgrading). Students in these kinds of programs are not considered completers for the purpose of this measure. Historical results have been revised to reflect this change. The tracking of Grade 10 students excludes some students, such as those identified as having a severe or moderate cognitive disability or a severe multiple disability. More information on the methodology can be found in the related document of Student Outcomes Measures – Based on the Grade 10 Cohort.


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